Sunday, September 03, 2006

Trouble in Big D...

First, I think people should get off of Mike Vanderjagt's back. Especially fantasy owners.

Yeah, he did schdoink two potentially game-winning field goals during last week's tie with Minnesota, and yeah, he isn't great in the post-season. All of that is, no doubt, karma for what he said about Payton Manning

He is still heads-and-shoulders better than anything the Dallas Cowboys had last year. Besides, from a fantasy perspective, who cares what happens in the pre- or post- seasons? He will be a solid fantasy contributor this year.

Furthermore, I'm not so sure that Terrell Owens is going to tear the Boys apart like some people think. Granted, he proved how much of a Grade-A asshole he is by what he did to Donovan McNabb last year. But let's face it: when he is on, he's on. He wants nothing more than to win, so forgive him for getting pissy when his team isn't.

No, the problem with the Cowboys isn't TO or Vanderjagt. Count on them to have solid fantasy years.

Two men will keep the Boys from achieving their full potential in 2006

Bill Parcels and Drew Bledsoe.

Drew Bledsoe is, well, old. He will have a solid year and, for his sake, I hope by the end of the year he is the "Comeback Player of the Year." Still, though, he is 34, and may not have that many more great years ahead of him.

What I don't understand is why the Cowboys don't draft a QB for the future and then groom him behind a more experienced veteran QB. Maybe that is what they are trying to do with Tony Romo and, if that is the case, good for them (although I doubt Romo has what it takes to lead). Consider these decent QB's that they have passed on the last 3 years in the draft:

2006: Kellen Clemens, Tarvaris Jackson
2005: Aaron Rodgers, Charlie Frye, Kyle Orton
2004: Matt Schaub

Can you imagine what life would be like in D-Land if Parcells/Jones had the foresight to draft Matt Schaub and then groom him? He could have carried the clipboard behind Vinny Testaverde for a year, learned the ropes, and then advanced to where he rightfully belongs: as a starter in the NFL. Imagine Schaub throwing the ball 25 times/game to Owens and Terry Glenn for the next 5-10 years...

It is Parcells and Jerry Jones' lack of vision and inability to look beyond the current year that has doomed this franchise. I don't buy this shit about their being in a tough division (which is the excuse that will be used when they miss the playoffs this year).

I could be wrong, and Tony Romo could be the next Troy Aikman. But I doubt it...

"Sounds like someone is living in the past man. Contemporize!" (Simpsons episode 4F17, original air date 4/20/1997).


Anonymous said...

Schaub is really a Pro Bowl QB? I believe 2004 was the year the 'pokes picked up Drew Henson. Considering the bidding war over Henson, I'd say consensus was that Henson would turn out better than Schaub. Hindsight is 20/20.

The Fantasy Godfather said...

Considering the fact that Henson spent time playing baseball and was, therefore, pretty rusty, I would have questioned the wisdom in signing him.

Hind-sight is 20/20, but consider: the only experienced QB's they have considered were Testaverde and Bledsoe.

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